Sodium bicarbonate dry powder fire extinguishers are suitable for initial fires of flammable, combustible liquids, gases and live equipment; ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguishers can be used for the above-mentioned types of fires and can also extinguish initial fires of solid materials.

Fire Extinguishers Use

When fighting a flammable and flammable liquid fire, the dry powder fire extinguisher should be aimed at the main part of the flame. If the liquid fire to be extinguished is flowing and burning, it should be aimed at the root of the flame from near and far, and strafing left and right until the flame is completely extinguished. If combustible liquid burns in the container, the user should aim at the root of the flame and shake it left and right, so that the sprayed dry powder flow covers the entire surface of the container opening; when the flame is driven out of the container, the user should continue to spray until the flame is completely extinguished .

Fire Extinguishers Use

When extinguishing a flammable liquid fire in a container, care should be taken not to directly aim the nozzle at the liquid surface to prevent the impact of the jet from splashing the flammable liquid and expanding the fire, causing difficulty in extinguishing the fire. If the flammable liquid has been burned in a metal container for too long and the wall temperature of the container has been higher than the spontaneous ignition point of the flammable liquid, it is very easy to cause the phenomenon of re-ignition after the fire is extinguished. If combined with a foam fire extinguisher, the fire will be extinguished. The effect is better.

How to use: When extinguishing a fire, you can quickly go to the fire with a hand-held or shoulder-carried fire extinguisher. Put down the fire extinguisher about 5 meters away from the burning place. If you are outdoors, you should choose to spray in the upwind direction. If the dry powder fire extinguisher used is an external pressure storage type, the operator should hold the spray gun firmly in one hand and lift the opening lifting ring on the gas cylinder with the other hand. If the opening of the gas cylinder is hand-wheeled, unscrew it counterclockwise and rotate it to the highest position, then lift the fire extinguisher.

When the dry powder is sprayed out, quickly aim at the root of the flame and shoot. If the dry powder fire extinguisher used has a built-in gas cylinder or a pressure storage type, the operator should first unplug the safety pin on the opening handle, then hold the nozzle at the front end of the spray hose, and open the pressure handle with the other hand Press down and turn on the fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire. When using a fire extinguisher with a spray hose or a stored pressure fire extinguisher, always press down the handle with one hand and cannot let go, otherwise the spray will be interrupted.

Use attention: When using ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguisher to put out a solid combustible fire, it should be aimed at the most violent burning place, and shoot up and down, left and right. If conditions permit, the user can carry the fire extinguisher and spray it along the periphery of the burning material, so that the dry powder extinguishing agent is evenly sprayed on the surface of the burning material until the flame is completely extinguished.